The laughter challenge and why we need to laugh

Massive thanks to everyone who entered last month's laughter challenge. We so miss seeing our families in person, and it has been great to be able to connect virtually through laughter.  You can check out the results of our Challenge here:

Our members were asked to send in pictures, videos or photos of themselves laughing. Zeenat who was running our online laughter yoga sessions explains why laughter is so important and good for us: 'It’s simple, it’s fun and it has many health benefits, it can be done anywhere and any place and is suitable for all ages and abilities. It's a great way to connect and reduce isolation. It gives you a happy feeling.’ 

Particular thanks to Issa and Zeenat for their contributions.

Look out for more competitions with Healthy Living Platform - coming soon!


How to have a healthy picnic


Protocol for Outdoor Sessions