Become a Trustee for Healthy Living Platform

Are you passionate about improving your community through sustainable lifestyles, empowerment and greening? Do you want to create real opportunities for people to do things together to look after themselves, their families and their neighbours? 

We are looking for talented people from a range of backgrounds and stories to join our growing team of trustees to guide us through our next stage of growth and development. 

Trustees give approximately one day a month of their time, including preparation for and attendance at all Trustees meetings -usually 2-3 hours every three months. 

For more information, download the HLP Trustee Advertisement 

To express your interest:  please forward your CV and a covering letter to with ‘Trustee Application’ in the subject line.

Please send by end of February.

We look forward to hearing from you. 


Southwyck Pantry is Open!


Fun in Nature this Christmas