Claudia’s Yoga Community

This Mental Health Week, take some time to be with yourself and have a moment of me-time. 

We have lots of family sessions at Healthy Living Platform, but it’s ok for your children to see you relaxing and having fun too. 

Free Weekly Monday Morning Online Hatha Yoga class - 10:30am-11:30am for parents and anyone in the local community who would like to join our yoga community.

Claudia, who runs the sessions, explains why it’s so important to schedule in your regular relaxation time:

"This can be a really challenging time for families. Parents have been experiencing a sudden change in their lives and routines – and are having to balance children being home full time alongside jobs, employment and health worries, financial concerns and care for vulnerable family members. This, inevitably, can feel stressful at times.

As parents, there are things you can do to help life feel as manageable as possible for you and your family. My online Yoga sessions are a chance to support your wellbeing during this time.

Start your week off with this gentle practise that will stimulate your physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing enabling you to go through your day and week ahead full of positive energy.

Put yourself first and feel what a difference in mood and behaviour it makes starting off a new week in this way.

We all know that a child needs a happy, balanced, healthy Mum or Dad more then anything else; so think about the benefits of starting your week with a yoga practise to make yourself feel good."

Claudia is a single mother herself with a 3 year old daughter who combines her experience as a yoga and meditation practitioner and teacher to guide individuals through a range of physical poses alongside breathing techniques and periods of guided relaxation. Her aim is to encourage, empower, guide and grow each and every one of who attends.

Register here for the classes and get an email notification of when the event starts:

Click to Register

Put the date and time in your calendar so you can join us live for Claudia’s weekly Monday Morning Yoga session.

Namaste 🙏🏻


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